Greetings to all from Den Haag!
We are settled into our apartment which is a two bedroom unit with a beautiful view overlooking Scheveningen beach. In fact, the view is quite similar to the view from our apartment in Puerto Rico. The only difference being that the temperature is about 20 degrees lower...
It is great to be living in Europe. We took a trip to Paris last weekend, which was a very easy 3.5 hour train ride from here. Saw a few of the tourist spots such as Arc du Triumph, Notre Dame, La Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. We also did some shopping, much to Ana's delight.
The weekend before that we met our Danish friends Martin, Marianne, and their little boy Benjamin in a Dutch town called Apeldorn. They were visiting their friends Roy and Anka, who are absolutely wonderful people. They invited us to stay with them so we all had a very nice weekend together. I was surprised to find that another Danish friend named Lars was visiting as well and I hadn't seen him for a long time. Roy and Anka have a beautiful home and treated us just like family so we really enjoyed the weekend. Little Benjamin is growing fast and already trying to steal the old man's beer!
More news soon,