Still no job.....but we're looking hard!!
We decided to relocate to Calgary since the Brantford job search was not going too well. We were lucky enough to have an offer from my aunt and uncle to stay with them in Calgary until we find something and get ourselves organized. We've been having a lovely time together visiting, drinking wine, and exploring Calgary. It is a very nice city with a downtown area that is very compact, very clean and easy to get around. We are thinking we will likely look for an apartment downtown if that is where we end up finding jobs. I have several cousins that live there so we're looking forward to spending much more time with them in the future.
We did a day trip to Banff and Lake Louise last week which was a lot of fun. Once I get the film developed I'll put some new pictures up on the site. As well, I managed to negotiate a stop in Saskatchewan for the annual fishing trip with the boys! The fishing was absolutely spectacular and the weather was pretty good. It was such fun going out fishing again and I really hope that we will be able to find work in Canada and stay here so I can make it an annual event! There are not many places we have traveled to in the world where you can spend 4 days in the quiet wilderness with nobody else around for many miles, drink water straight from the lake, see lots of wildlife, catch fish until your hands turn blue and breathe in the delicious, unpolluted air. I think I'm going to have to put up a Fishing Trip 2003 page so you can all see some of the photos from that superb weekend.
We have set up a temporary cell phone number where we can be contacted and it's 403-889-6980 or the house number is 403-201-2730.
That's it for now, take care!