I love port wine but it does tend to leave a bit of a sting the next day. Our compadres Arthur and Rosa were over last night for a big steak barbeque - it was our first visit practically all summer as we've all been so busy with weekend trips. We followed up the big meal with a solid hour in the hot tub and a few glasses of port. The only way Rose could convince Arthur to leave was promises of bacon the following morning, which I'm sure helped with the unavoidable hangover.
Mom was in town last week for a visit and we took her to Grand Bend, which seems to have become our favourite summer hang-out. The weather was excellent for her visit and she spent a lot of time with the kids. After here she went to Ottawa to spend a few days with the Leifmeister.
We had an excellent weekend trip to Vancouver for Ana's cousin Nancy's wedding a few weeks ago. We lucked out with sunny weather which is clearly quite unusual for that place. We managed to meet up with Mark and Linda for a coffee in the morning before the wedding then I slipped away during the reception to sneak a quick pint with the old fellah, which was quite easy as they just live around the block from the hotel. We started planning for the upcoming Bassmaster fishing tourney up at his cabin near Kingston.
It's been a very gratifying summer for us, we've been on loads of trips and seen a lot more of southern Ontario, which was our goal for the year.
For some reason the words aren't coming too fast today so I better wrap it up here before this gets really boring...