Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The summer?

All in all, it's been a disappointing summer in southern Ontario. The rain will just not let up, except, it seems, for back to work Mondays which have been generally dry, hot and clear. Thank god I don't have a window in my office. Did I just say that? We had a week long trip back to Saskatchewan at the start of August. The weather didn't cooperate much there either - most days were spent either wearing jackets or looking for cover from the rain. Thankfully, the first couple days were very nice but it all went to seed after that. The worst is that the forecast for the week had been hot and sunny so our expectations were much too high. Man, am I sounding like a complainer or what?? Not usually my style.....but that's what happened!

We've been back to the border States a couple times looking for sailboats, seen a few beauties, but nothing has come together yet. We are not in a rush, so will wait for the right boat at the right time at the right price. This week Magnus turned 5 and Stella turned 3 so we celebrated with a big party last Friday night with family and friends. I'm still not convinced Stella knew what was going on...she kept saying "happy birthday!" to everybody else. But she did like her presents. 

Now for a bit of self-promotion. I had a second article published in the Canadian Money Saver magazine, this one was actually sort of a book review of the Nassim Nicolas Taleb "Black Swan" series. My uncle Gerry turned me on to that magazine, it is an excellent resource for Canadians who are interested in earning, saving and investing money. That's about it for now, sorry so dull, but it is the lazy days of summer....

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