Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Autumn is a great time for work

Our home has been a beehive of activity this past month. We’ve had visits from two sets of grandparents – Diane and Rick then Peter and Loretta as well as my nephew Leif while his parents were in Spain on vacation. We also had a spectacular Sunday brunch last week joined by even more family – Mark, Linda, Megan, Michael and Anna. During this amazingly productive month, upon arrival each visitor over the age of 16 was issued a pair of gloves and a tool – usually a shovel but at times a drill, nailer, trowel or Wacker gravel packer. Young Leif was issued plastic varieties of the aforementioned items for his safety and ours. Work orders were given and the toil proceeded at an amazing clip. Dirt was excavated, grass was trampled, holes were dug, cement was poured, gravel was packed, pavers were laid, frames were built, hot tubs were purchased, roofs were raised, fireplace was assembled, lights were wired, surfaces were finished and firewood was hauled.

The final product is shaping up to be a wonderfully weather resistant, cozy, fresh outdoor living space. The numerous test “sit-ins” have been a success, leading me to believe that the launch party will be tremendous. We haven’t actually scheduled the launch party yet, but we should be ready for it very soon. We are still trying to decide whether we should fill the hot tub for a couple weeks usage before the winter hits, which I am hoping will be mild to make up for the cool summer we experienced here. Now let's get back to work.


  1. Kris, You probably don't know me, but I met you briefly at WestJet. I'm still there (since Sept 2001) and I was going through my WestJet file at home, came across one of the WJ campaign magazines ("Choice" campaign) that did a big article on you, a newly arrived employee, mentioning your wife, etc., with a big photo spread of you two, barefoot on the hardwood floor. One of the "regrets" I have at WestJet is seeing quality people leave the company...alas. I was glad to see that is still up. Guess you are in Ontario now. You have a nice site! Cheers, Vincent (WJ 3291).

  2. Hey Vincent! Well, if you can believe it, my wife Ana still works for Westjet, but in Beanland and in a remote job from home with the odd trip to Calgary. It is a great company to work for.

    Lots has changed for us, but I always see change as a good thing...some days I feel we're not doing enough of it and the routine is starting to get us, but it's just that stage of life I suppose.

    Take care, merry christmas!
